Monday, October 06, 2014

Holidays and Weekends

TEACHTOUGHT Blogging Challenge Prompt #27

I made it through 26 of the 30 day blogging challenge post in September, but still plan to make it through the last 4 post (in early October).   What I learned about my blogging is that it's like the rest of my life -  I tend to over-estimate how much I can get done in a day and therefore I need holidays and weekends to catch up so that I don't limit my weekdays to the actual number of things that can actually FIT into a workweek.    But those of you who get regular emails from me will not be surprised for this reflection certainly matches the the signature block on my email:

Nothing is really work unless you would rather be doing something else.
  - James M. Barrie

So... what do my holidays and weekends look like..  well perhaps a look at this past weekend confirms that "LEARNING WITH LUCIE" doesn't take a holiday. 

This weekend I organized a 3D communal printer build at the Champlain Maker Mini Faire.
The printer build started at the beginning of the Faire (10:00 Saturday morning and was successfully completed ten minutes before the end of the faire at 4:00 Sunday afternoon).   Many folks from Create Make Learn Summer Institute helped facilitate the exhibit where showed off some of the fun ways making is happening in K12 education  and the printer was completely assembled by Vermont educators, students, and 

And oh what fun!

Here is the timelapse video we made from Day 1 and Day 2 of the build 

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